Super Power Fighting Simulator Wiki

Reputation is a feature which tells people if a player is either good or evil and can be obtained if a player kills any other player.

There is positive reputation, and negative reputation. Positive reputation is always some form of light color, and Negative reputation is always a darker color. Positive reputation is earned by killing players with a negative status (Outlaw-) and Negative reputation is gained by killing players with either a neutral status (Innocent) or a positive status (Savior+).

Reputation titles can be obtain depending on how high or low your reputation is and can be shown over your head. You can also join in the server leaderboards where players compete for the reputation status of their account.

You can get some transformations for reaching: Defender (gives x1.25 Endurance), Superhero (gets +1 reputation per evil kill), Crook (gives x1.25 Strength) and Supervillain (gets -1 reputation per innocent/good kill).

Positive - Reputation Status
Reputation Status
10000 God status
2500 Light status
1000 Peacekeeper status
250 Angel status
75 Superhero status
25 Officer status
7 Defender status
1 Savior status
0 Innocent status

*The images are 42px high, length depending on the length of the name, I'll try to fill all the missing ones but if you have a good quality screen please post it and I'll get the status from it (or add directly if you are able to) -Cryo98

Negative - Reputation Status
Reputation Status
-10000 Devil Status (High Quality Version)
-2500 Darkness Status (High Quality Version)
-1000 Destroyer Status (High Quality Version)
-250 Demon Status (High Quality Version)
-75 Supervillain
-25 Assassin Status (High Quality Version)
-7 Crook Status (High Quality Version)
-1 Outlaw Status (High Quality Version)
Reputation Gain

Killing someone with a status gives a different amount of reputation based on their status only.

Status Amount of Reputation obtained
God -???
Light -???
Peacekeeper -80
Angel -???
Superhero -???
Officer -10
Defender -5
Savior -2
Innocent -1
Innocent (reflection)* +1
Outlaw +2
Crook +5
Assassin +10
Supervillain +???
Demon +???
Destroyer +80
Darkness +???
Devil +???

*When an innocent hits someone with a physical attack (fist, Energy Blast, Energy Punch) and dies through reflected damage if the other player has x10 more endurance compared to the innocent's strength
