Super Power Fighting Simulator Wiki

A tick is the game's unit of time, used to calculate how often the player obtains an increase in Stats when they are training.

1 tick corresponds approximately to 1 second, but it might last longer based on the amount of traffic on the server the player is playing in (many active players, constant attacks, bad internet connection etc.). When there is a delay in the ticks it may happen that the training stats are given to the player all at once for multiple ticks, this usually shows that the connection is having issues keeping up with the game.

Every tick a training player gains an amount of a stat relative to what they are training, with the amount increased by different multipliers:

Each of these multipliers is independent from the others, so having for example a x2 multiplier on one of them and a x3 multiplier on another would grant to the player a total multiplier of x6.

Ticks are also used to decide how often a player obtains currencies. The moment a player obtains them is called "Currency Time".

Every 60 ticks, a player obtains Tokens, Gems and an Event currency (if an event which grants access to a currency is active) based on their Rank for Tokens, Fusion for Gems and Transformation for all of them (the amount can also be increased by boosts given by Goals or Artifacts).

The amount of ticks a player has to wait for currency time is decreased through the boost given by completing the Tokens Goals, which can reduce the number of ticks by up to 5 when completing the Tokens God Goal (500M Tokens Icon).


  • The currently (v16.0) maximum total multiplier (i.e. the amount of power a player can obtain each tick) amounts to 30.8SxVg*; this corresponds to a player that has reached Dragon Omni, completed all the Goals, with a Stat multiplier of x9Qa, having all the Ancient Items at Divine grade and the highest power boosts known for Artifacts on a single Stat, equipping Pumpkin God, which would be impossible to all players but the winner of the Halloween Event, while training on the last training area during the weekend, with a x2 Power Boost active. That number could be raised to 61.6SxVg* if the previous setup were utilized in unison with the Festive x2 Power Boost Event, which only occurred from December 25th, 2021 to January 1st, 2022.
  • As Speed isn't affected by Ancient Items nor the Festive x2 Power Boost and no training area is available to train it, the maximum amount that a player can earn of it is "only" 3.14Sxd* each tick.
  • The maximum amount of currencies a player can earn each Currency Time is:
    • Tokens Icon 702.1* for Tokens,
    • Gem Icon 590.62K* for Gems (1.18M* during the x2 Gems Event which occurred from November 26th to 28th, 2021).

*These values are yet to be confirmed
